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Buying a used Mac Mini, setting up a home server.

I bought a used Mac Mini on Craigslist recently for about $200. I've been wanting to set up a home server for quite a while, and it seemed like a good entrypoint into the space! It has a couple of nice things for such a cheap price:

It's not a powerhouse by any means, but it's been powerful enough to set up a couple of services, like:

I'm planning on using it to host a couple of websites as well, at least while I don't care too much about uptime.

Installation & Networking

I installed Ubuntu Server, which was surprisingly easy. Folks on the internet warned about the networking issues after install. The Broadcom chip that this Mac Mini uses doesn't have a networking driver installed by default. I just ran an Ethernet to the Mac when I set it up, installed the proprietary Broadcom driver, and then we were off to the races!


By default Ubuntu Server was configured to sleep/hibernate when there wasn't much activity. That was surprising to me, because I meant to host the server 24/7! You can turn this off with:

sudo systemctl mask \
	hibernate.target \
	hybrid-sleep.target \
	sleep.target \

And then the server will stay online 24/7!

IPv6 Issues

Except that the Broadcom driver would SIGSEGV sometimes when using IPv6!

I ended up uninstalling the Broadcom driver, putting the server next to the router, and just running an Ethernet cable permanently. I wish I had a stack trace on hand, but it's long ago enough that it's not available in /var/log/syslog ๐Ÿ˜”.

Mystery Networking Issues

And even still, sometimes the networking stack crashes! I've noticed this happens while using the Minecraft Bedrock server, but I haven't debugged further than that. You can fix it by restarting NetworkManager... but I can't ssh in while this is happening.

I've done a cursed thing by setting up a systemd service named network-repair which is just a cursed little script:

#!/usr/bin/env python3.12
import logging
import subprocess
import time

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def main() -> None:
    addr = ""
    while True:
        logger.info(f"Polling {addr}...")

        is_online = False
            subprocess.check_call(("ping", "-c", "1", "-w", "5", addr), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
            is_online = True
        except Exception:
            logger.error(f"Failed to connect to {addr}", exc_info=True)
            is_online = False

        if not is_online:
            logger.warning("Lost connectivity. Attempting to restart NetworkManager.")
                subprocess.run(("systemctl", "restart", "NetworkManager"))
            except Exception:
                logger.error("Unable to restart NetworkManager", exc_info=True)


if __name__ == "__main__":

TL;DR: check if we have internet and, if we don't, try restarting our NetworkManager.

Eventuallyโ„ข I'll figure out what's actually going wrong and fix it, but for now, this is working well enough! 30s of downtime every couple of days isn't so bad. That's still >99% uptime!

systemd Services

I don't know how to write good systemd services, but I do know how to write systemd services. I've been using a basic template:

; If this needs the network:

; Give each service its own user + group,
; which only has access to its content:
ExecStart=<executable + args>

; Can set `WorkingDirectory` if you need it:

; And then you can also set environment variables:



Like I said, I configured Grafana and Prometheus to set up monitoring and alerting. With the rest of this blog post you should have the skills to set them up at this point:

And then BOOM! You can be oncall for your own hobby project. ๐ŸŽ‰


This was all thrown together haphazardly, mostly from memory. If something here isn't working for you feel free to complain to me at me@crockeo.net. I'm happy to dig into it and issue a correction.